Warsztaty „Wprowadzenie do zasad Agile i Scrum Framework z wykorzystaniem symulacji LEGO”

Zapraszamy na warsztaty pt. „Wprowadzenie do zasad Agile i Scrum Framework z wykorzystaniem symulacji LEGO”

Prowadzący: prof. Stan Kurkovsky (Central Connecticut State University, USA)

Termin: poniedziałek, 27 maja 2024, godz. 9:00-14:00

Miejsce: kampus Czyżyny, Al. Jana Pawła II, sala zostanie podana w terminie późniejszym.

Warsztaty będą się odbywały w języku angielskim. Liczba miejsc ograniczona! Konieczna jest rejestracja.

Link do formularza rejestracyjnego: https://forms.gle/kw4zuJJxXzqeMnzF6

Title ang: Introduction to Agile Principles and Scrum Framework Using LEGO Simulation

Agile principles are grounded in the idea of delivering value to the project stakeholders in a fast and flexible way while maximizing learning and minimizing waste. Agile methods help teams adapt to changing requirements, be more perceptive to feedback, and utilize new opportunities, by breaking down work into small and manageable iterating, and delivering new functionality on a regular basis. This highly interactive workshop will introduce students to agile principles and scrum framework used for complex project management. We will start with requirements engineering by constructing a product backlog. Then, teams of students will use LEGO bricks to simulate a large scrum project whose requirements evolve over time. Over the course of several sprints, students will be able to participate in many aspects of the scrum process to gain better understanding of its many benefits.

Prof. Stan Kurkovsky is an agile practitioner with over 25 years of professional experience in industry and academia. He had been trained as a Certified Scrum Master by Dr Jeff Sutherland, one of 17 signatories or Agile Manifesto and a co-creator of Scrum. Currently, Prof. Kurkovsky teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in agile software engineering at CCSU. As a founding director of CCSU Software Engineering Studio since 2014, he has experience managing over 100 software teams working on software development projects for large and small businesses, as well as non-profit and community organizations.