Politechnic Instute of Braganca (Portugalia) zaprasza na intensywne kursy

Szanowni Państwo,

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Campus de Santa Apolónia (Portugalia) w ramach programu

ERASMUS + zaprasza na intensywne kursy tzw. Blended Intensive Programs. Oferta jest skierowana do Studentów i do Nauczycieli Akademickich.

Dla Studentów:

Informacje dot. zgłoszeń: www.ipb.pt/bip

Informacje o tematyce kursów: https://portal3.ipb.pt/uploads/GRI/2324S2_ipb_bip_v2.pdf

Proponowane kursy:

Cybersecurity (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 15/03/2024

Emotional Education (6 ECTS credits) – 15/04/2024

Integrated Multimedia Project (5 ECTS credits) – 15/02/2024

Dla NA:

Informacje o kursach: https://portal3.ipb.pt/uploads/GRI/2324S2_STAFF_bip_ipb.pdf

Więcej informacji na temat możliwości wyjazdu udziela Wydziałowy Koordynator:

dr inż. Dominik Wyszyński, e-mail: erasmus_wm@pk.edu.pl

International Relations Office, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Campus de Santa Apolónia, kindly informs that the application period for the 2nd semester Blended Intensive Programs at IPB is open now.

Students can apply here: www.ipb.pt/bip

The BIPS available for students are: (more info https://portal3.ipb.pt/uploads/GRI/2324S2_ipb_bip_v2.pdf)

Cybersecurity (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 15/03/2024

Emotional Education (6 ECTS credits) – 15/04/2024

Integrated Multimedia Project (5 ECTS credits) – 15/02/2024

The BIP available for teachers is:

(more info https://portal3.ipb.pt/uploads/GRI/2324S2_STAFF_bip_ipb.pdf)

Unlocking Imagination! https://surveys.ipb.pt/index.php/231131?lang=en(5 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 05/03/2024”